
We are a non-profit organisation building strength, stability and self-reliance through affordable housing and sanitation facilities. Our vision is a world where everyone has a decent place to live.

Driven by the vision that everyone needs a decent place to live, Habitat for Humanity began in 1976 as a grassroots effort. The housing organization has since grown to become a leading global nonprofit working in more than 70 countries. In India since 1983, Habitat for Humanity has supported more than 38 million people by helping them build or improve a place they can call home, build improved sanitation units and provide humanitarian aid and disaster resilient shelter solutions in the aftermath of natural disasters.

Through financial support, volunteering or adding a voice to support affordable housing, everyone can help families achieve the strength, stability and self-reliance they need to build better lives for themselves. Through shelter, we empower.

India’s Housing Crisis

India faced a 18.78 million urban housing shortage, and 28.9 million rural housing shortage in the country. In urban areas, people can be found living under bridges, on pavements, train tracks, highways and canals as well as in crowded slums.

Habitat's philosophy

No matter who we are or where we come from, we all deserve to have a decent life. We deserve to feel strength and stability day after day. We deserve to know we have the power to take care of ourselves and build our own futures.

At Habitat for Humanity, this is what unites us. Through shelter, we empower. Because we are all humans. And every single one of us deserves the opportunity for a better future.

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We work with corporate partners, implementation partners and governments to widen our reach.

Corporate Partnerships

All efforts of Habitat India are supported by independently sourced funding. There is still a lot of work needing support.

Your contribution will help us increase our reach and impact.