Urban Dialogue

Urban Dialogue: Policy Solutions for Adequate Housing to Build Inclusive and Resilient Urban Settlements


As the global population continues to grow, the issue of inadequate housing in urban areas has become increasingly urgent, leaving approximately 1.8 billion people without access to suitable housing. In India, a significant demographic shift is evident. The projections indicate that India's urbanization will surge beyond 800 million by 2050. This rapid urbanization brings both challenges and opportunities, including the need for sufficient housing and resilient communities.

In response to these challenges, we present the Urban Dialogue: Policy Solutions for Adequate Housing to Build Inclusive and Resilient Urban Settlements. This initiative aims to unite stakeholders, experts, and policymakers to develop policy solutions that champion inclusive and resilient urban housing. With a specific focus on vulnerable and marginalized communities, the dialogue strives to chart a course towards sustainable and equitable urban development.


The primary objective of this policy dialogue is to collectively formulate urban housing policy solutions that align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and tackle the issues around housing, particularly for vulnerable populations.

Through collaboration among stakeholders, we seek to create comprehensive interventions that elevate the quality of life for urban communities.

By identifying gaps in policies, sharing successful practices, and establishing a collaborative consortium, this dialogue aims to contribute to the establishment of inclusive and resilient urban settlements.


  • Identification of policy gaps and replicable best practices, poised for scalability.
  • Formation of a consortium to encourage sustained collaboration among stakeholders.
  • Crafting of a policy brief outlining key solutions for the challenges in urban housing.

Thematic Areas

  • Urban Housing Policy Framework
  • Housing Finance Solutions
  • Housing Ecosystem Solutions
  • Resilience and Disaster Risk Reduction
  • Partnerships for Urban Solutions

Session Plan and Brief

  • Inauguration Plenary: A high-level plenary to underscore the significance of affordable housing, essential infrastructure, and sustainable development practices.
  • Plenary Session: Engaging discussions on the challenges in urban housing and innovative policy solutions to promote inclusivity.
  • Technical Session 1: Delving into regulatory frameworks, land tenure, and innovative housing finance solution's.
  • Technical Session 2: Exploring pathways to establish sustainable settlements through multi-stakeholder engagement and financial mechanisms.
  • Policy Lab 1: Diving into the potential of green technology for fostering sustainable infrastructure and housing.
  • Policy Lab 2: Advocating for disaster and climate-resilient infrastructure within urban development.
  • Concluding Plenary: Summarizing key takeaways, charting a roadmap for future action, and fostering collaboration.